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Seneca College

留學申請|Seneca College



Seneca College(SC)成立于1967年,是一所公立院校,在多倫多地區擁有多個校區,學生人數多達28000名,其中有超過5500名國際學生,來自140多個國家和地區。SC提供12種學士學位課程,22種證書課程,超過100種兩年或三年的文憑課程,30種研究所文憑課程。各式各樣使用與工作導向課程,並且大多可搭配實習,讓學生在完成課程後於就業市場極為搶手。

1.Art, Animation & Design 藝術動畫設計:動畫、特效、音效、藝術設計、互動設計等等
2. Aviation 飛行 (NH, PA) :飛行訓練,飛行管理,飛行安全等等
3. Business 商業 (NH, MK) :金融會計、人資、工商管理、行銷、國貿等等
4. Community Services 社區服務 :社工、幼教、精神健康等等
5. Fashion & Esthetics 時尚與美學 :美妝、時裝設計、時尚管理等等
​6. Health and Welless 健康科學 :獸醫、治療、護理、醫療管理等等
7. Hospitality & Tourism 飯店觀光 :飯店管理、空服作業等等
8. Information & Communication Technology 信息與通訊技術 :電腦程式設計、網絡管理、軟體工程等等
9. Law, Public Administration & Public Safety 法律,公共事務和公共安全 :緊急救助通訊,消防訓練
10. Manufacturing & Mechatronics 製造和機電 :工業設計、水下作業、電子系統自動化作業
11. Engineering & Technology 工程技術:化工、土木、環境和防火工程
12. Liberal Arts & Science and University Transfers 人文與科學: 提供大一大二轉學課程,與York , UBC, West Ontario, New Brunswick等知名大學簽有合作協定。

Aviation Technology, Behavioural Psychology,Child Development,  Commerce, Community Mental Health, Healthcare Management, Interdisciplinary Studies, Technology - Informatics and Security, Therapeutic Recreation, Nursing (Collaborative with York University)

3D Animation, Advanced Accounting and Finance,Airline Pilot Flight Operations, Bioinformatics, Brand Management, Clinical Research, Cosmetic Science, Database Application Developer, Documentary and Non-Fiction Media Production, Energy Management - Built Environment, Event Management - Event and Exhibit Design, Event Marketing - Sports, Entertainment, Arts, Financial Planning, Financial Services Compliance Administration, Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting, Game Art and Animation, Global Hospitality Business Development, Global Hospitality Operations Management, Global Hospitality Services Leadership, Government Relations, Human Resources Management, Infant and Early Child Mental Health, International Business Management, Marketing Management, Mental Health Intervention, Non-Profit and Social Sector Management, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Affairs and Quality Operations, Professional Accounting Practice, Project Management - Environmental, Project Management - Information Technology, Public Administration, Public Relations - Corporate Communications, Sales Force Automation and CRM Analytics, Social Media, Social Media Analytics, Strategic Marketing and Marketing Analytics, Supply Chain Management - Global Logistics, Sustainable Business Management, Technical Communication,Visual Effects for Film and Television

語言課程: $3300 /7週,

Last Updated: 2018/5/4

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